Email management

Emails are a crucial part of marketing. They are frequently used to send notifications and announcements. Thus, it is better to send personalized emails to your customers. You can manage various emails delivered to customers or users on the Email Management tab. Basically, emails can be of two types:

  • Customer emails - Welcome email, Password reset email and, Order confirmation email
  • Admin emails - New user registration email, New order email

Edit email

You can edit the contents and background colors of an email:

  • Login to admin panel
  • Go to Settings > Email Management
  • Tap on the Edit button of the email you want to edit and navigate to the edit page. There, edit:
    • From name
    • From address
    • Subject
    • Header image/text
    • Description
    • Footer text
    • base color, background color, body background color, and body text color
  • Next, tap the Save button at the bottom to save the changes


Send test email

To send a test email:

  • Login to admin panel
  • Navigate to Settings > Email Management
  • Tap the Send Test button of the email you want to test and enter a test email on the popup screen
  • Next, press Send Email


Reset email structure to its default

To reset an email to its default structure, tap the Reset To Default button which opens the “Emails” page with the default structure of the email. There, tap the Save button at the bottom

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